Field Descriptions for the Personnel Statistics Data File 2006

Files with an extension of *.xls are data files in Excel format.
Files with an extension of *.dbf are data files in dBase/foxplus format.
Please see the print reports for more comprehensive definitions.

FY2007 data will be available in early 2008.

Data from this file was used to print the 7-1-2006 Public Library Salaries Report and the 7-1-2006 Education and Staffing Report.

Field Name Definition
LIBCODE Unique library identifier - usually, but not always, the name of the municipality
TOWNSNAME Name of the municipality in which the library is located
LIBPOP 2005 population estimate served by the library
LIBGROUP Population Grouping the library is in
REGION Region in which the library is located
COUNTY 2-letter code representing the county in which the library is located
MULTIPLE Indicates multiple independent libraries within the municipality.
DIRSAL Director's actual annual salary as of 7/1/2006.
DIRHRS Director's Weekly Hours - total number of paid hours worked by the library director in a typical week.
DIRED Director education - Highest education level completed by the Library Director as of 7/1/2006.
DLSMLS Number of staff holding Doctorate or Masters' in Library Science degrees as the highest education level completed.
BLS Number of staff holding BLS degree as highest educational level completed.
ASSOC Number of staff having completed two or more years of college, but not holding a Bachelors degree.
HSGRAD Number of staff having completed high school as their highest educational level completed.
OTHGRAD Number of staff holding Doctorate or Masters' degrees other than MLS as highest education level completed.
BSBA Number of staff holding Bachelors degrees other than BLS as their highest educational level completed.
COLL2 Number of staff having completed some college but less than two years of college.
OTHERUNK Number of staff with other or unknown education levels.
MLSHRS Number of hours worked in a normal week by all staff holding MLS degrees.
PROFHRS Number of hours worked by all librarians.
CHILHRS Number of hours worked by all children;s librarians.
NCUSTHRS Number of hours worked by all employees in noncustodial positions.
FTE Full-time equivalency. This is computed by adding hours worked by all employees and dividing by 35.
FT Number of full-time (35 or more hours per week) employees.
PT Number of part-time (less than 35 hours per week) employees.
ANNHRSMAIN Number of hours the library (or main library) was open during the fiscal year.
ANNHRSBRAN Number of hours the branch library(s) was open during the fiscal year.
ANNHRSBKMB Number of hours the bookmobile(s) was open during the fiscal year.
VOLHOURSYR Number of hours volunteered in fiscal year.
ATTENDANCE The annual number of times people entered the library for whatever purpose (i.e., library visits)
DIRCIRC Total annual circulation of all library materials of all types, including renewals.
xxMIN Minimum hourly compensation in the range reported by the library. When this field is blank and xxMAX contains a value, only one hourly figure was reported.
List of codes substituted for xx follows:
LD = Library Director
AD = Assistant Director
SL = Senior Librarian
BL = Branch Librarian
AL = Adult Reference Services - Staff Librarian
CL = Children's Ref. Services - Staff Librarian
XL = Circulation Services - Staff Librarian
TL = Technical Services - Staff Librarian
YL = YA Services - Staff Librarian
OL = Other Staff Librarian
ST = Library Assoc./Senior Library Technician
LT = Library Technician
PA = Pages
AA = Administrative Assistant
CS = Clerical Staff
OS = Other Staff
CU = Custodial Staff
xxMAX Maximum hourly compensation in the range reported by the library. See above position list to substitute for xx.