Grant Opportunities

Through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) direct grant program, the MBLC offers grants to libraries to help fund preservation and conservation efforts.

Preservation Assessment
Preserving/Conserving Library and Archival Materials
Conserving & Digitizing of Historical Resources
Manuscripts Arrangement and Description

Critical Collections

Critical Collections Questionnaire : Preservation  MS Word | PDF

Beyond the MBLC's grants, other state and federal agencies provide funding for preservation and digitization projects. For more information including deadlines and application instructions, contact these institutions directly.

1800 M Street NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036-5841
(202) 653-4657
Areas of funding: (1) Conservation Assessment for Preservation Program (CAP). Funding for conservation activities including treatment, surveys, and implementation. (2) National Leadership Grants. Funding to libraries or libraries and museums in partnership for a broad range of projects including preservation.

1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 802 Washington, D.C. 20506
(202) 606-8570
Areas of funding: Common Heritage, Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions, Preservation and Access Education and Training Grants, Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

National Archives Building, Room 607, Washington, D.C. 20506
(202) 501-5610
In Massachusetts: Contact John Warner at the Archives of the Commonwealth.
Goals: To help local organizations arrange and describe, preserve, and digitize records and make them accessible. Also provides grants to State Historical Records Advisory Boards (SHRABs) for regrants to increase access to and use of records and to help carry out digitization and electronic records programs.

For More Information

Jessica Branco Colati, Preservation Specialist
617-725-1860 x236
857-283-5658 (Mobile)

Rob Favini, Head of Library Advisory and Development
617-725-1860 x237
857-488-6590 (Mobile)