Helpful links and content to prepare for the Atlantic Hurricane Season, June 1 – November 30, from Emergency Management and Preparedness professionals and organizations.

“Above Normal” Number of Hurricanes expected

As referenced in the June 4 Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Press Release about Hurricane Preparedness, there is an “above normal” number of Hurricanes in the Atlantic this year.

For more details about this estimate, see the article from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “Busy Atlantic hurricane season predicted for 2020” and the underlying forecast from the meteorology report from the Climate Predication Center, “NOAA 2020 Atlantic hurricane Season Outlook.


NEDCC – Hurricane Resources includes instructions on how to prepare before a storm, as well as information on how to respond after a storm.

Lyrasis – Library Preservation Services Before The Storm document. Helpful information for libraries and other similar cultural institutions.

Weather Safety: Hurricanes 2-page tip sheet (adapted from NWS, FEMA, and American Red Cross brochure) for personal and professional uses.

MEMA Hurricane Safety Tips. Helpful personal resources. – Hurricanes. Helpful general Information, personal and professional.