An integral component in refreshing and reconnecting the COSTEP MA network is creating useful communications policies and norms.
We draft a meaningful policy, we need your input. We invite contributors from cultural heritage institutions, including specialists in security, facilities, administration, collections, preservation, and conservation; and the emergency management communities, whether they’re local, state, or federal. As we refresh our value and service propositions, we also need to clarify what and how we communicate. Help us answer some of the following questions:
What can our members expect from COSTEP MA when they sign up?
- How can we better understand the needs of our constituencies. What information is appropriate to send? Trainings, alerts, periodic updates, Exec board minutes, events, vendor promotions, etc.? Can we have opt-in networks for types of communications, like MEMA-only, NWS-regions, etc.? Is there a format or style/tone guide to follow?
- How to determine what is in, or out-of-scope? Will a board or committee member be assigned the communications responsibilities?
- What media suit our constituencies and messages? Emails, social media, our home page, a local or even national email list, etc, are some media that could be available for us. What suit us and our communities best? Any media to embrace; and media we should avoid?