*Free* Online AND/OR In-Person Training – REGISTRATION NOW LIVE! – https://culturalheritage.secure-platform.com/a/solicitations/1212/home. Note: new user registration required for non-FAIC members.

A set of high-quality trainings targeted to staff responsible for cultural collections will be available in multiple formats, virtually and/or in-person, beginning this June.

Please consider signing up for the online component, which will consist of 10 modules that will be released beginning in June, to be viewed and completed asynchronously, culminating in a group-wide virtual table-top exercise in August wherein attendees will discuss their responses to a hypothetical emergency. This online training is not usually offered widely. At MBLC’s and COSTEP MA’s request, this is the first time it will be offered widely – a great opportunity!


For those interested in an in-person training, please indicate so on the form. It will be a two-day session hosted in Boston at the JFK Library & Museum on September 19 & 20, limited to 30 participants. Some travel funds will be available. All training participants will be expected to complete online curriculum modules from July – September 2023.

Applicants will have the option to select if they would like to complete the online curriculum only OR the combined in-person and online training.

The sponsor of the event is the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC), funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Multiple COSTEP MA partners have helped plan this opportunity, led by the Massachusetts Archives, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, Boston Office of Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency (Heritage Emergency National Task Force), Northeast Document Conservation Center, plus support from the Executive Committee.