*UPDATE – Recording now available* Webinar: Preparing for Extreme Weather: Fire and Hurricane, Aug 18

Hosted by FAIC's (Foundation for Advancement in Conservation) Connecting to Collections Care group. FREE! https://connectingtocollections.org/extreme_weather/ The past few years have seen an increase in cultural institutions dealing with various extreme disasters. In this webinar we will feature two examples of extreme weather, wildfires and hurricanes, and how staff at two institutions dealt with preparation, impact, … Continue reading *UPDATE – Recording now available* Webinar: Preparing for Extreme Weather: Fire and Hurricane, Aug 18

*UPDATE – RECORDING AVAILABLE* Webinar – Civil Legal Issues of Natural Disasters: Libraries Can Help, Sept 22

*RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE: Civil Legal Issues of Natural Disasters: Libraries Can Help - YouTube* WebJunction of OCLC is hosting a webinar on Library roles in community resilience. https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/civil-legal-issues-of-natural-disasters.html "Natural disasters strike everywhere. In their wake, communities are left reeling and many people turn to their libraries for support and information. Your library may have plans … Continue reading *UPDATE – RECORDING AVAILABLE* Webinar – Civil Legal Issues of Natural Disasters: Libraries Can Help, Sept 22

Historic Houses in the Shifting Landscape of Climate Change

The Center for the Future of Museums Blog from the American Alliance of Museums has recently published a post authored by Jenny Lyons, Historic House Manager and Preservation Administrator for the Louisiana Landmarks Society and Pitot House Museum, on adaptive strategies for historic homes facing extreme weather events due to the climate crisis. The post … Continue reading Historic Houses in the Shifting Landscape of Climate Change

Excellent Planning Resources published by ARCS Emergency Subcommittee

The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) compiled and published high quality educational resources relating to emergency planning and response. PDF files of the publications are available from the ARCS website, and some relevant documents are also embedded below. risk_assessment_process_manualDownload emergency_prep_during_construction_-_dana_murrayDownload emergency_supply_program_development_manualDownload arcsemergency_response_procedure__collections_theft_and_vandalismDownload

“Hurricane Preparedness Week” in Massachusetts, July 10-16

The Mass Emergency Management (MEMA) recently shared a press release amplifying Governor Baker Proclaims July 10-16 as “Hurricane Preparedness Week” | Mass.gov. A partial transcription of the Proclamation is copied here and provides persuasive and practical advice for increasing your personal preparedness: Whereas, Many destructive and deadly tropical storms and hurricanes have caused damage in … Continue reading “Hurricane Preparedness Week” in Massachusetts, July 10-16

Webinar, Aug 18: Preparing for Extreme Weather: Fire and Hurricane

The "Connecting to Collections Care" team from FAIC (Foundation for Advancement in Conservation) is hosting a webinar highlighting emergency preparedness in cultural institutions. The session is focused on two specific, potentially catastrophic threats: wildfires and hurricanes. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 1p-2:30p. Free, but registration is required: Preparing for Extreme Weather: Fire … Continue reading Webinar, Aug 18: Preparing for Extreme Weather: Fire and Hurricane

Input requested from Cultural Heritage Institutions for SHMCAP update

In 2018, multiple State Agencies collaborated to create a formal State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP). The plan is outlined here and since then, has guided many state projects related to municipal resilience - perhaps most notably through their Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program. Their website, ResilientMA, is a rich resource outling SHMCAP, … Continue reading Input requested from Cultural Heritage Institutions for SHMCAP update

Hurricane Season Resources

https://vimeo.com/429703062 The content from this 2020 webinar remains highly relevant today. This virtual presentation is from Matthew Belk, a Lead Meteorologist for the National Weather Service, Boston. This webinar will: Cover hazards posed by tropical storms and hurricanes in southern New England,Enable your institution to evaluation hurricane-related threats to your facilities, andPrompt you to consider … Continue reading Hurricane Season Resources

2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins: A Reminder to Prepare

MEMA PRESS RELEASE (https://www.mass.gov/news/2022-atlantic-hurricane-season-begins): FRAMINGHAM — June 1 marks the start of the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which extends through November 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) seasonal outlook predicts another active, above-normal, Atlantic hurricane season – the seventh consecutive above-normal hurricane season.  According to the National Hurricane Center, last year was the … Continue reading 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins: A Reminder to Prepare