Resources Radio podcast episode on Climate Resiliency

Rodney Rowland, Director of Facilities and Environmental Sustainability at Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and a presenter during COSTEP MA's recent co-sponsored webinar with the Boston Green Ribbon Commission on climate resiliency, was recently featured on a podcast episode of Resources Radio. The episode, entitled, "Sunken Treasures? Rising Waters and Historic Preservation" goes … Continue reading Resources Radio podcast episode on Climate Resiliency

MEMA Mapping Project – Draft open for Comments

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) relies on good information to adequately respond to local disasters. For larger disasters, that data is also key to determining Federal responses. COSTEP MA is extremely fortunate to have emergency management professionals from MEMA and the Boston Office of Emergency Management (Boston OEM) on our Executive Board. From their … Continue reading MEMA Mapping Project – Draft open for Comments

Feb 2: “Insurance Considerations for Cultural Institutions After Disasters” Webinar

Are you interested in learning about how to utilize your institution's insurance provider post-disaster?FAIC (Foundation for Advancement in Conservation) is pleased to host a free webinar titled "Insurance Considerations for Cultural Institutions After Disasters," on February 2, 2022 at 2 pm ET. Our speaker, Nicole Sheley, is the Director and Founder of NS International, an … Continue reading Feb 2: “Insurance Considerations for Cultural Institutions After Disasters” Webinar

New England Museum Association (NEMA) Risk Evaluation and Emergency Planning Course

The New England Museum Association (NEMA) is sponsoring an 8-part risk evaluation and emergency planning course in partnership with the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC). The 8-part course will incorporate weekly live discussion sessions over Zoom between January 18th and March 8th from 10-11am ET. The registration fee is $125 to attend. More details … Continue reading New England Museum Association (NEMA) Risk Evaluation and Emergency Planning Course

Disaster Planning for Libraries and Cultural Institutions workshop – February 15

The New Jersey Cultural Alliance for Response (NJCAR) and the New Jersey State Library are hosting a free disaster planning workshop on Tuesday, February 15th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm ET. Presenter Ellen Korpar, Emergency Preparedness Consultant, will cover the disaster planning process and what goes into a disaster plan. More information is below: Planning … Continue reading Disaster Planning for Libraries and Cultural Institutions workshop – February 15

FAIC Accepting Applications for 2022 NHR Training

The Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) is seeking volunteers to become National Heritage Responders. Interested individuals must be a member of AIC/FAIC to participate and the deadline to apply is December 15, 2021. Announcement below: Are you interested in becoming a National Heritage Responder? We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting … Continue reading FAIC Accepting Applications for 2022 NHR Training

Announcing 2021 Virtual HEART Week!

The Heritage Emergency Task Force (HENTF), a public-private partnership between the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Smithsonian, has announced that it is virtualizing its annual Heritage Emergency and Response Training (HEART). All events are virtual and free, but require registration. Below is the official notice from HENTF: After careful consideration of the continued … Continue reading Announcing 2021 Virtual HEART Week!

COSTEP MA supporting Emergency Preparedness Month

In support of Massachusetts' Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Gov Baker's proclamation of September as Emergency Preparedness Month, COSTEP MA is participating in “30 Days 30 Ways: 30 Days of Preparedness”. This initiative breaks down emergency preparedness into simple steps residents can take in 30 days to be more prepared by the end of the … Continue reading COSTEP MA supporting Emergency Preparedness Month

Nantucket Preservation Symposium (virtual) – Sep 9 & 10

Rescuing History: Nantucket in Response to Rising Seas Click here for more information, click here to REGISTER. Nantucket, Tuckernuck, and Muskeget comprise one of the largest National Historic Landmark Districts in the United States. Our unique built and natural environment has long been recognized for its scenic beauty and historic and cultural importance. Yet, like … Continue reading Nantucket Preservation Symposium (virtual) – Sep 9 & 10