Last month, we compiled and published content that may help inform and support your efforts to mitigate risks to your collections from climate change impacts. The Addressing Climate Change page is modest but growing, and we welcome your help!

Understanding “Resilience” for cultural organizations is an important topic we’re committed to support. Understanding what it means, and how to enhance it among our network of contributors and subscribers, has been the subject of many conference proceedings. In fact, it was a key theme of programming at our recent “Resilience Symposium for Cultural Institutions,” for which PPT slides, summaries, and additional links are now available here!

Many of us are dealing with increasing intensities and durations of storm impacts, particularly coastal and inland flooding. But how we focus on mitigation and preparation can vary dramatically among our network. We’ve learned that “resilience” is heavily dependent on the format of one’s collections, and their institutional mission.

Public libraries, for example, may not have ‘special’ collections but might work very closely their municipalities, with designated state funding even (Municipal Vulnerability Program, “MVP”), to coordinate community-wide responses to extreme weather.

Historic properties and landscapes may need to adjust long-term plans to account for increased rain and flooding projections. (For insight into these issues, definitely look at the slide decks and links Session 1 of our Symposium!)

Large institutions, including libraries, museums, and others, may seek strategies to become Net Zero through deep energy retrofits, as we’ve learned through collaborations with the Boston Green Ribbon Commission and others.

The new COSTEP MA content area, “Addressing Climate Change,” is available on the side-bar or top-level navigation of our page, under the category Cultural Institutions / Mitigation. We hope it is helpful, but also realize that is just a starting point. Please help us grow this space – feel free to send us links and resources that you’ve found helpful!