The library makes all my dreams come true, well pretty much all
I can't imagine a community without a library.
I love my library because they have the resources I need for life, the entertainment I need to relax, and the people who make it special
…i also like it cause of there free wifi. If i have no connection at home i could just go to the library so i dont have to stay after school.
I love that our library offers the tools that makes our community an equal opportunity place
-… they always have activities.I did one of the activities and it was awesome I made new friends and I learned new stuff.
For a small community, our library has a very large footprint. Thank you.
It’s a pretty cool place to be
no matter how much money you have if there's a book you wan't and it's in the library you don't have to buy it you can just check it out
-[from a teenager] I love my library because I feel at home there.
Not everyone can afford books off the shelf and the library helps give the community an equal opportunity to information and knowledge.
Several of our librarians have become our friends, having seen my children and their love of reading grow over the years. Thank you for everything!
I would be lost without this library. Between the staff and the books this is such a gift!
…our library is a place to not only share books but share our community spirit with one another
… I also enjoy spending time in a completely commercial free community space.
For us, the library is essential for our success as homeschoolers.
Libraries deserve top funding for providing education and culture, museum passes, advice, friendship, services, and so much more to the town.
…everyone has treated me with respect and kindness, making me feel that my concern at that moment is the only thing that matters
-I love the feeling of belonging I get walking through the doors. It's my sons favorite place.
Librarians have always spoken directly to him [my son], even when he was four, and that made him feel valued.
-I am proud of our town library and know that I will enjoy utilizing it for the rest of my life.
Diversity of opportunities, enthusiasm and helpfulness of library staff, feeling of being welcomed every time I visit library, library’s constant effort to address needs of the community ( I. E. Flu lecture )
I love my library! I have an emotional attachment to it. If you take the library away.... You take away a very important part of the social fabric of society
I brought my kids to this library. It's where they hooked their reading skills and are excellent readers today as well as life long Learners
Our library provides the critical service of keeping the public informed, educated, providing access to information that is a must in this day and age
If you ever want peace to do homework the library is for you.
THE answer center for questions about everything and anything; taxes to truffles.
I am so glad I live in a town with such a good library.
Please keep funding and supporting the town library system it is one of the very best things about our town
We cannot afford cable and the number of DVDs that are available through inter-library loan in phenomenal!!
-Whenever i'm feeling bored my parents let me go to the library where i have an absolutely epic time listening to and reading stories
The cookbook bookclubs give me the opportunity to meet and enjoy other members of my community that I otherwise would not have the opportunity to do so.
Getting essentially any book in the world through inter-library loan!
-Not only can I borrow books but I can also receive tutorials on how to use my iPhone, iPad and laptop. And all of these services are for free
The library is a community center where I can go to educational meetings about local issues, historical events or world affairs.
I remember one time i got to read to a dog and that was the best day ever.
this library means every thing to me please save it.
I love how I get to pick any book I want and I also get to see my sister sometimes
No member of society, from the youngest to the oldest, is neglected there; libraries contain treasures for all.
As a senior citizen, nahant Library is a HAVEN of happiness, intellectual growth , and exploration.
I am new to America and I never read books before. I always ask confused questions to the librarians. They always never give up on me and they recommended new and easy books to improve myself in reading. Now I read novels and I love them
The MA library system is one of the few barrier free institutions in the Commonwealth…
My life would be greatly impoverished without my library visits and the excellent help and guidance I get there.
-My library opens a window to that world which would be shut to me without it.
Simply put, it’s home. Ever since I was a child, the library has been a second home to me. No matter what else was happening, I always had my books
-It is imperative that we keep community libraries open and that we better their internet access and technology which all MA citizens will need to move forward into the 21st century
[My kids are] always begging to read books and to go to the library and I attribute their love of books to the library's engaging programs.
Basically----I love my Library and am extremely satisfied. I even like that they have a bin in the lobby to drop off cat & dog food and I am now trying to make a small donation of food every week/every other week. I figure if I can check out books for free then I can make a donation that goes to a great cause!
Made me feel welcome the second I walked in and answered every question I asked them.
Being a low income single mom, the library has been a safe haven happy place for my children and I. The feeling of calmness of the library is what draws us. My library offers many free programs for my girls one of our favorites is story time, painting/art, and reading with therapy dogs
We would be diminished and impoverished without them and anybody who says otherwise is in a word woefully uninformed & perhaps obtuse. However a visit or two to their local library could rectify that
Our library hosts school study evenings for high school students before mid-terms and final exams - includes pizza (imagine that in a Library!)
Certainly, I do not believe that I would be as worldly or open-minded as I am now without the vital support of the library, and all the services it provides to me and the community