Budgets and Funding

Federally Funded by IMLS

The MBLC receives funding annually from the Massachusetts state budget, appropriated by the Massachusetts legislature and governor. It also receives federal funding through the Library Services Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).  The MBLC also administers funds made available through a state capital improvements bond bill via the Massachusetts Public Library Construction Program. 

Visit the Massachusetts legislature website for more information on the state budget process. The MBLC's FY2026 Legislative Agenda highlights funding priorities that impact library services for all residents.

For more information, contact Robert Favini.

FY2026 Operating Budget Request
Item No. Item Name FY2025 Budget FY2026 Legislative
Agenda Request
FY2026 Governor's Budget
7000-9101 Board of Library Commissioners $2,074,268 $2,489,122 $2,074,268
7000-9401 State Aid to Regional Libraries $19,000,000 $19,950,000 $19,000,000
7000-9402 Talking Book Library (Worcester) $711,942 $747,539 $711,942
7000-9406 Talking Book & Machine Lending (Perkins) $4,053,441 $4,256,113 $4,053,441
7000-9501 State Aid to Public Libraries $20,000,000 $22,000,000 $20,000,000
7000-9506 Library Technology & Resource Sharing $6,169,480 $6,477,954 $6,172,690
7000-9508 Center for the Book $420,000 $550,000 $420,000
TOTAL: $52,429,131 $56,470,728 $52,432,341


Capital Projects

The MBLC provides access to capital funds for building renovation, construction and repair via the Massachusetts Public Library Construction Program.  The agency is currently able to provide up to $26,000,000 out of the bond each year for approved projects.

The current funds were authorized by 2024 Chapter 238, An Act Relative to Strengthening Massachusetts' Economic Leadership

Board of Library Commissioners.

7000-9093.. For a program of grants to cities and towns for approved public library projects pursuant to sections 19G to 19J, inclusive, of chapter 78 of the General Laws; provided, that grants may be awarded to municipalities submitting applications jointly or through a regional planning agency............................. $150,000,000

For More Information

Robert Favini, Head of Library Advisory and Development / Government Liaison
617-725-1860 x237
857-488-6590 (Mobile)