Emergency Planning and Response

Federally Funded by IMLS

Libraries can minimize the impacts from disasters large and small through risk assessment and mitigation planning. The MBLC provides training resources, special access to relevant software, and occasional events and workshops. Many initiatives are in conjunction with COSTEP MA (Coordinated Statewide Preparedness for Cultural Institutions in Massachusetts), a collaboration between multiple State Agencies and other public and private volunteers.

Emergency Response Planning Templates

The dPlan Online Disaster Planning Tool can help your institution create a plan for disaster prevention and response with templates that can help staff reduce the risk of disaster and minimize losses. It works for small and medium-sized institutions that do not have in-house preservation staff as well as large library systems or museum campuses that need to develop separate plans for multiple locations or branches.

The Pocket Response Plan (PReP) is a template the condenses essential information needed by staff in case of a disaster or other emergency into one page.

Response Resources

  • Vetted disaster recovery vendors at discounts
    The Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) procurement service is available at no cost for libraries in the Commonwealth (but registration is required). Find discounts for appropriate vendors by searching “Contract G32 - Disaster Response,” and for “Document Restoration.”

  • Damage to historical or archival collections
    For immediate advice related to preservation of your special collections, contact one of the following 24/7 resources:
    • National Heritage Responders: 202-661-8068
      • A service of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC).
      • For library and archive materials, plus fine and decorative arts such as paintings, textiles, mixed media objects, furniture, etc.
    • “Ask NEDCC:” 978-470-1010 or info@nedcc.org
      • A service of Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)
      • Specialists in library, archive, and photographic materials.
  • Clean-up kits and storage boxes for smaller emergencies
    Recovery supplies are available at 16 libraries in Massachusetts. These include 100 Rescubes, 2 ReactPaks, and a min-max thermohygrometer. These supplies are available to any library, archives, historical society, or town clerk in Massachusetts affected by an emergency. The only requirement is that they be returned when recovery is complete.

For More Information

Jessica Branco Colati, Preservation Specialist
617-725-1860 x236
857-283-5658 (Mobile)

Rob Favini, Head of Library Advisory and Development
617-725-1860 x237
857-488-6590 (Mobile)