Commonwealth Catalog

Federally Funded by IMLS

commonwealth catalog - search for books, dvds, audiobooks, and more throughout the state

The Commonwealth Catalog (ComCat) allows library users to locate and request library materials from all across the state, and have them delivered directly to their home library. No need for mediated interlibrary loan. ComCat has a modern and easy-to-use interface, including book jacket images and improved search options. Users can easily select their preferred format for an item when multiple choices are available. Hardcover, paperback, large print, audiobooks, and DVDs will appear together in search results.

For promotional materials and graphics for online and print use, visit the ComCat toolkit page.

If your library is in one of these networks, your patrons can use ComCat to request library materials beyond what's in your catalog.  Also check this list of exceptions for libraries that are not participating due to COVID-19.

Bridgewater State University
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC)
Metro Boston Library Network (MBLN)
Minuteman Library Network

Patrons may also explore ComCat as a guest.

Troubleshooting & Support

Library User?

Contact your library with troubleshooting or other questions about using the Commonwealth Catalog.

Participating Library?

Each library network has its own designated ComCat liaison. Contact your network headquarters.

Fenway Library Organization (FLO) provides statewide support for libraries using the Commonwealth Catalog.

Submit a helpdesk ticket