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Teens' Legends: Wild, Weird & Creepy Tales for Teens (and Tweens if desired)
Program Categories
Educational Programs, Miscellaneous, Storytellers
Audience Age
best for teens to adults, but tweens okay
Also known as "Urban Legends," this is a straight storytelling program with classic creepy tales that teens really enjoy. Adults with a taste for the absurd giggle along and often recognize these personalized versions of classics: The Hook, The Vanishing Hitchhiker (this time, set in the Berkshires), Crispy-Fried Rodent, The Blue Satin Dress (or you don't have to be an ancient Greek to perish in a poison gown), with nods to alligators in the sewers, spiders in the hairdo and girls who really shouldn't have tried to quick-dry their hair in a microwave. Occasionally, the Creepy Babysitter shows up, and sometimes, the Hand You Love to Hold, and we mean, the hand. Often, for variety, I include a wonderful version (in English but with lots of colorful Italian) of the folktale, Dauntless Little John, or Giovannin Senza Paura. This gives the usually shy audience some ways to hear their own voices--in bits of easily repeated Italian--with attitude. I also often include an Appalachian folk tale, The Three Girls and the Journey Cakes (and the Jumping Corpse), with original refrains and guitar accompaniment for interest and further variety. Really fun, a fine run-in with the absurd and American pop culture, friend-of-a-friend-told-me style. You've just got to love this oral tradition.
travel time/expense may apply, flexibility for frequent bookers
Group Size
Program Length
about an hour
any place with quiet focus
Last Modified
Recent Library/School Appearances by Mary Jo Maichack
Lincoln Library--Denise Shaver
Lincoln, MA
Leona Arthen
Worthington, MA
Pat Grundman, Hall Memorial Library
Ellington, CT
Amy Litke
New Britain, CT
Terri Mitus
West Springfield, MA
Deb Marini, Bigelow Library
Clinton, MA
Jenney Maloy
Lenox, MA
Performer’s Contact Information
Mary Jo Maichack
Mary Jo Maichack2-3 Morgan Manor
Lenox, MA 01240
Preferred Contact Method: Email
This is a great way to lure teens, by using material that they really enjoy. They can be comfortable and just listen. Good connection for 2020 theme: Imagine Your Story, on Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends.