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Folk Dances of the Middle-East and Mediterranean

Program Category

Audience Age


Origins Folkloric Dance Company is a professional dance ensemble dedicated to learning and performing ethnic dances of the Middle-East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. Our educational program would include a short lecture about the people and country the dance comes from, including costuming and music, a demonstration of the dance(s), and then audience participation in learning the dance(s).

We have currently have two programs prepared:

- debke (Lebanon)

- khaleegy (Persian Gulf)

$300. Does not include travel.

Group Size
15 - 25

Program Length
30 minutes - hour

Facility Requirements
Sound system that uses iPod or CD, and someone to run it Sufficient room to demonstrate dance and to teach dances to audience.

Last Modified

Performer’s Contact Information

Origins Folkloric Dance Company

Amy Smith
1 Katie Lane
Georgetown, MA 01833
 (978) 590-8502
Preferred Contact Method: Email

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