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"Language of the Ancients"

Program Category

Audience Age


Audience members travel a multicultural journey through time which conjures the image of early mankind using stones, sticks, and hollow logs to accompany singing and body movement. The journey travels from the familiar to the unfamiliar with imagination, inventiveness, and creativity - new sights, new sounds; some loud and spirit-shaking, some soft and haunting. A hands-on ensemble concludes.


Fees reduced for each repeat same-day performance.

Group Size

Program Length
50 minutes

Facility Requirements

Equipment setup is usually 30' width X 12' depth, although we can condense width for smaller performance areas.

Last Modified


Highly acclaimed and nationally unique presentations by the New England Percussion Ensemble are a rich and valuable cultural experience: extremely entertaining and audience-interactive, but also full of valid educational content.  They are a healthy and positive program for youngsters and adults.

Performer’s Contact Information

New England Percussion Ensemble

Bob Otto

Raynham, MA 
 (508) 824-7128
Preferred Contact Method: Email

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