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Music and Social Change
Program Category
Audience Age
Grades 4 and up
Music played a major role in three of America's most important movements for social change in the 1930s-60s: labor rights, civil rights, and the antiwar movement. Through a compelling and interactive narrative full of participatory singing, Alastair Moock introduces kids to the music of all three movements, and shows how songs and resistance techniques were passed from one to the next. Along the way, kids get acquainted with some of the major songs and singers of the eras, including Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, the SNCC Freedom Singers, and Bob Dylan. But this is not purely a history lesson: Alastair begins and ends the program by asking kids about the changes they might want to bring about in their own country, and shows them that powerful political music is still around today, if you know where to look.
varies according to size, distance , number of performers
Group Size
can vary
Program Length
55 minutes
sinple set up -can include A/V
Last Modified
Recent Library/School Appearances by Moockmusic
Kathleen Lomatoski
Boston , MA
(617) 478-3128
Performer’s Contact Information
Alastair Moockc/o Charles R Rothschild Productions Inc
New York, NY 10017