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Understanding Weather

Program Categories
Educational Programs, Museums

Audience Age


Why does the weather change from day to day and season to season? How are weather and climate different? What variables affect the weather? Experience the forces driving weather through interactive demonstrations, careful observation, and scientific analysis.


The cost for 30-person EcoTarium Traveling Education Programs is $300 for the first session , $150 for each additional session (same program, consecutive sessions) at the same location.  Pricing for 50 person programs is $400 for the first session, $250 for each additional session. 

Group Size

Program Length
45 minutes

Last Modified


Travel fees apply for sites more than 15 miles one-way from the museum. Additional fees apply when booking programs at non-consecutive times or when booking more than one program topic.  LImited availability on weekends and summer.

Performer’s Contact Information

EcoTarium Traveling Education Programs

Anna Crocker
222 Harrington Way
Worcester, MA 01604

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