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Peace by Piece with Pie

Program Categories
Crafts, Educational Programs, Miscellaneous

Audience Age


What happens when strangers commune with puzzles and pie?
World peace, piece by piece!

Sarah Jane Lapp leads participants through exercises using her artisan jigsaw puzzles to explore problem-solving, mindfulness, cultural identity, and other aspects of community-building. This workshop is designed to be an ntergenerational friendship experience - with pie.

An internationally exhibiting artist and puzzle designer, Ms. Lapp has made images for stage, page, screen, and bean, producing essay-films, hand-drawn animations, short plays, music videos, telematic productions, photovoltaic solar installations, anti-fascist greeting cards, and highly personal jigsaw puzzles.

As Rabbi Lawrence Kushner once wrote,

Everyone carries with them at least one and probably

Many pieces to someone else’s puzzle/

Sometimes they know it/

Sometimes they don’t.”

Group puzzle assembly teaches us how to contribute to the greater whole – while simultaneously practicing manual dexterity, spatial relations, and color identification. Puzzleniks experience the calming communion of mindful co-creation – while exploring the intricacies of Sarah Jane’s lyrical images and whimsical puzzle vocabulary.

No batteries required and totally silent, this old-fashioned mode of re-creation/creation occupies active fingers, soothes an anxious mind, and encourages inter-generational bonding.

On the wall we project one of Sarah Jane’s digital puzzle collaborations with Ironzog, with software that tabulates speed of assembly. Fastest puzzler wins a prize!


Base fee does not pies nor travel fee which is .50/mile with return

Group Size

Program Length
2 hours plus 45 minute set up and clean up

Facility Requirements

Tables and chairs for puzzle set-up

Laptop/projector/screen for digital puzzle projection

Last Modified

Performer’s Contact Information

Sarah Jane Lapp

Sarah Jane Lapp

Seekonk, MA 02771
Preferred Contact Method: Email

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