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The Joys of Nature Travel talk: Beautiful Bahamas

Program Categories
Animal Programs, Educational Programs

Audience Age


The Bahamas are a group of 700 islands, and many smaller islets, made from the remnants of coral reefs in the northern Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Formerly a British colony, their economy has long been reliant upon the sea. The underwater topography, storms, and even the contested nature of the Bahamas between England and Spain in the 18th century have led to many shipwrecks in its waters. Today, the remains of some of these wrecks can still be found, now home to fish, octopus, turtles and other creatures. In addition, the Bahamas has realized the economic value of marine tourism and has protected much of its waters, including banning commercial shark fishing. Now divers have the opportunity to see lemon sharks, tiger sharks and even great hammerhead sharks up close in one of the few protected areas in the ocean for these amazing predators. See images of the beautiful marine life found in the Bahamas from wrecks full of fish to sharks and playful spotted dolphins and calves that love to interact with divers and snorkelers.


Virtual Series rate of 2 or more $135 each ($150 for one)

In Person series rate of 2 or more $150 ($200 for one)

Program Length
1 hour

Last Modified


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Recent Library/School Appearances by The Joys of Nature

Bacon Free Library
Natick, MA

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Performer’s Contact Information

The Joys of Nature

Joy Marzolf

Framingham, MA 01701

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