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Magical Monarchs

Program Categories
Animal Programs, Educational Programs

Audience Age


Exquisite and fragile, yet strong enough to migrate thousands of miles, monarch butterflies have captured our imaginations with their beauty and complexity.  Elke and her husband Garth have gotten to know these magical creatures well while raising and releasing over a hundred butterflies.  What makes these butterflies so special?  How can we help them? In this lively presentation, Elke will discuss facts and myths about monarchs and share heartwarming stories and captivating photos from their experiences.  For adults and children aged 8 and up.

About the presenter: Elke Jahns-Harms teaches International Development Aid at The Fletcher School of Tufts University, and previously taught Music and Social Change at the New England Conservatory. She and her husband began raising monarch butterflies a few years ago and have coached friends and neighbors to raise them as well.  They continue to be moved and amazed at how people react to these lovely creatures.  Elke holds a PhD in International Relations, a Master’s in Music, and a B.A. in Geology and Environmental Science.  She has presented her talk on monarchs for local conservation organizations, garden clubs, public libraries, and continuing ed programs. 


Fee is usually $150-200.  Fee is negotiable.  Could travel within 1 hour by car of Littleton, MA. 

Group Size

Program Length
1.5 hours

Facility Requirements

Good quality projector or large TV screen to show slides. 

Last Modified


Can be in-person or via Zoom as needed.

I have given this presentation for local conservation organizations, garden clubs, public libraries, and continuing ed programs, including most recently:

-- Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton, MA

-- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Tufts University

-- Sudbury Valley Trustees

I'm always delighted to answer audience questions during and after the presentation.  I often hear from audience members weeks or months later who were inspired to raise their own monarch butterflies at home.  It's such a treat to get their updates and hear their own stories of their experiences with these beautiful creatures.

Performer’s Contact Information

Elke Jahns-Harms

Elke Jahns-Harms

Littleton, MA 01460
Preferred Contact Method: Email

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