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Reality of Game Development

Program Categories
Authors and Illustrators, Educational Programs, Miscellaneous, Technology

Audience Age
junior high and up


A discussion on what it means to make video games professionally. Everyone growing up has had that dream, but there are a lot of challenges and decisions that you need to understand. This presentation will focus on what it means to get hired at a studio vs. starting your own company, important skills to start to develop, and talking about the downsides and difficulties of being in the Game Industry. This presentation will not focus on guidance: What colleges to attend, where should I move to, etc. Instead, this will be about the decisions and challenges you should start thinking about if you want to make games for a living. We can also open up the floor for Q&A.


Fee is negotiable and I offer discounts if libraries book multiple presentations from me in the same order.

Group Size

Program Length
60-75 minutes

Facility Requirements

this would be performed virtually and could be put on through zoom, google, or any other software

Last Modified

Performer’s Contact Information


Josh Bycer
131 valley run drive
cherry hill, NJ 08002
Preferred Contact Method: Email

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