Field Descriptions for Circulation and Holdings Statistics File 2009

Data from this file was used to print the FY2009 Circulation and Holdings Data Report

Field Name Definition
LIB Name of the municipality and for multiple independent libraries a portion of the library name.
LIBCODE Code which is generally the name of the municipality and for multiple libraries, partial library name.
TOWNSNAME Name of the municipality the library is located in.
MULTIPLE True value indicates multiple independent libraries within the municipality.
CONTRACTIN True value indicates library contracts with the Board of Library Commissioners to provide various services to the region.
REGION Library region in which the library is located
LIBPOP 2008 population estiomate served by the library.

Population Grouping the library is in.

A= 1-1,999
PRINTTOTCI Total number of print adult and juvenile volumes lent.
AUDIOCIRC Total number of CD's and audio tapes lent.
VIDEOCIRC Total number of video tapes and video discs lent.
EBOOKCIRC Total number of ebooks lent to patrons.
DAUDIOCIRC Total number of downloadable audio lent to patrons.
DVIDEOCIRC Total number of downloadable video lent to patrons.
DIRCIRC Total Direct Circulation: total number of print or non-print items circulated directly to borrowers. Includes: circulation of above plus periodicals, audio tapes, video tapes, multimedia items, framed art and other miscellaneous items.
TCIRC Total circulation activity: total items circulated including to borrowes directly, and to other libraries, via interlibrary loan and network transfers.
NRCTOT Nonresident circulation total - Total number of items circulated to nonresidents of the municipality. This includes the figures for residents of Massachusetts municipalities certified for state aid as well as loans to residents of Massachusetts municipalities not certified by state aid and persons from outside Massachusetts.
ANNHRSMAIN Total annual hours the library was open (main library if there are branches).
ANNHRSBRAN Total annual hours any/all branch libraries were open.
ANNHRSBKMB Total annual hours any/all bookmobiles were open.
TOTHOURS Total number of hours worked by all employees.
CIRCHOUR Total Circulation activity per hour open.
NCUSTFTE Full-time equivalencies excluding custodians. Calculated by totaling the number of hours worked by all staff except custodial staff and dividing by 35.
CHILFTE Full-time equivalencies for children's librarians. Calculated by totaling the number of hours worked by all children's librarians and dividing by 35.
LOANTO Interlibrary loans provided to another library.
LOANFROM Interlibrary loans received from another library.
REGISNUM Number of people registered to use the library at the end of the fiscal year.
PRINTTOT Total print holdings.
NONPRINTOT Total nonprint holdings.
HOLD Total holdings.
HOLDPC Holdings per capita.
SUBSCRIPTS Print subscriptions, a count of print titles including duplicates.
NPRSUBS Other subscriptions including materials in electronic and microform formats and other, such as museum passes.
AUDIO Total number of recordings on compact disc, audio tape and record owned by the library.
VIDEO Total number of video tape, video discs and DVDs owned by the lirbary.
EBOOKS Total number of ebooks owned by the library or available through its automated network.
DAUDIO Total number of downloadable audios owned by the library or available through its automated  network.
DVIDEO Total number of downloadable videos owned by the library or available through its automated network.
MICROFORMS Total number of materials in microform own by the library.
OTHNPR Total number of other materials such as films, framed artwork, kits, puppets, slide sets, education aides, etc., owne by the library.
PRINTPC Total print materials owned by the library divided by the 2005 population estimate (library service population).
AVPC Total audio and video materials owned by the library divided by the 2005 population estimate (library service population).