Massachusetts Long Range Plan
IMLS requires the MBLC to submit a five-year plan that sets broad strategic direction for the use of LSTA funds.
Plan Evaluations
At the end of each five year planning cycle, an implementation evaluation is performed and submitted to IMLS.
- Consolidate federal library service programs.
- Promote improvement in library services in all types of libraries in order to better serve the people of the United States.
- Facilitate access to resources in all types of libraries for the purpose of cultivating an educated and informed citizenry.
- Encourage resource sharing among all types of libraries for the purpose of achieving economical and efficient delivery of library services to the public.
- Promote literacy, education, and lifelong learning and to enhance and expand the services and resources provided by libraries, including those services and resources relating to workforce development, 21st century skills and digital literacy skills.
- Enhance the skills of the current library workforce and to recruit future professionals.
- Ensure preservation of knowledge and library collections in all formats and to enable libraries to serve their communities during disasters.
- Enhance the role of libraries within the information infrastructure of the U.S. to support research, education, and innovation.
- Promote library services that provide users with access to information.