The MBLC is encouraging libraries in Massachusetts to invite their patrons to share their story of how the library has helped them. As part of the FY2026 Legislative Agenda's theme of Empowered by Libraries, their stories will be shared with state representatives and legislators to demonstrate the importance and impact of our Commonwealth's libraries during the legislative budget season and beyond.
Your library can participate in the Empowered by Libraries campaign anytime during the year by:
- Printing Empowered by Libraries cards from the MBLC Awarehouse so that your patrons can share their stories.
- Direct patrons to to share their story about why their library is important to them. They can upload images of cards, notes, photos and even video demonstrating the value of libraries and library services.
- Share a 🔗link to your library's page on On the homepage top right corner, select "Search by Library" for your library's name to generate a URL/link.
- Post on library social media accounts and encourage patrons to share/post about how their library has helped them with hashtags #LoveMassLibraries, #EmpoweredByLibraries, and #EmpoweredByMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA
- Download and share the How to Participate PDF
Social Media Graphics & Banners
Sample Posts
Have libraries made a difference in your life? Tell us how the library has helped you at #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA
Do you love your library? Tell us how the library has a special place in your heart at #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA
How has [INSERT LIBRARY NAME] helped you? Share your story at! #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
Has the library made a difference in your life? Share your story at! #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
- Tell us how your library has helped you at ➡️! We'll share your story with legislators to help demonstrate the importance of libraries. #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
- [Brazilian Portuguese] Conte-nos como sua biblioteca o ajudou ➡️! Compartilharemos sua história com legisladores para
ajudar a demonstrar a importância das bibliotecas. #HabilitadoPorBibliotecas #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries - [Haitian Creole] Fè nou konnen kòman bibliyotèk ou a ede w ➡️! N ap pataje istwa w ou a avèk lejislatè yo pou ede montre enpòtans bibliyotèk. #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
- [Russian] Расскажите, что в вашу жизнь привнесла библиотекa ➡️! Ваши истории мы передаем законодателям,
чтобы показать им, насколько важную роль
играют библиотеки. #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries - [Spanish] ¡Cuéntenos cómo su biblioteca lo ha ayudado ➡️! Compartiremos su historia con los legisladores para demostrar la importancia de las bibliotecas. #EmpoderadosPorBibliotecas #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
- [Traditional Chinese] 告訴我們圖書館如何幫助您 ➡️! 我們將與立法者分享您的故事,幫助展示圖書館的重要性. #EmpoweredByLibraries #LoveMassLibraries #EmpoweredByLibrariesMA #EmpoweredByMassLibraries
- [Brazilian Portuguese] Conte-nos como sua biblioteca o ajudou ➡️! Compartilharemos sua história com legisladores para