Intellectual Freedom

Intellectual Freedom and Library Challenges

Libraries have faced escalating challenges to content, programming and general day to day operations over the past several years. 

Preparing in Advance

The best time to prepare for a challenge is before it happens. Library policies can protect the library and its staff by laying out clear guidelines which are being followed. Make sure all staff and trustees know the correct procedures for dealing with challenges so they feel confident when a situation occurs. 

Example Policies and Guidance:

Staff Preparation:

Responding to a Challenge

When a challenge occurs, rely on your established policies and procedures. The MBLC held a Crisis Communications training in early 2023. The resources have been collected together and are now available online.

Reporting a challenge:

To better keep track of what's happening to libraries more broadly, please consider reporting incidents.

Additional Resources

Statements & Publications

For More Information

Al Hayden, Library Advisory Specialist
617-725-1860 x250
857-488-6545 (Mobile)

Robert Favini, Head of Library Advisory and Development
617-725-1860 x237
857-488-6590 (Mobile)

For Crisis Communications

Celeste Bruno, Communications Director
617-725-1860 x208
857-488-6206 (Mobile)

June Thammasnong, Communications Specialist
617-725-1860 x240
857-488-7004 (Mobile)