Grants to Networks

Massachusetts library networks receive annual grants through the MBLC's Library Technology and Resource Sharing account (7000-9506).

Network Infrastructure

Annual support for the capital and infrastructure costs of the nine automate resource sharing networks.

FY25 Fact Sheet (pdf)

Resource Sharing Program

An incentive for libraries that are members of the nine automated resource sharing networks to lend materials to users of other libraries.

FY25 Fact Sheet (pdf)

Small Libraries in Networks

Helps Massachusetts public libraries in municipalities under 10,000 afford membership in an automated resource sharing network.

FY25 Fact Sheet (pdf)

Telecommunications for Resource Sharing

Offsets the annual costs for network connections to the Internet and the broadband data circuits between member libraries and the network.

FY25 Fact Sheet (pdf)

Library eBook and Audiobook (LEA) Content

Increases available funds for purchase of eBooks and digital Audiobooks to be shared through the LEA program.

FY24 Fact Sheet (pdf)

For More Information

Kate Butler, Library Information Systems Specialist
617-725-1860 x253
857-488-6345 (Mobile)